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Viasox Blogs For People With Diabetes

Does Acupuncture Help Peripheral Neuropathy? Exploring Nerve Pain Relief Solutions

Acupuncture for peripheral neuropathy is common to help relieve chronic pain as it can help stimulate blood flow to damaged nerves, though research is still being done to test effectiveness.

The Different Causes Of Peripheral Neuropathy

Causes of peripheral neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy can result from traumatic injuries, exposure to toxins, matabolism, but the most common cause is diabetes.

What Is The Difference Between Neuropathy & Peripheral Neuropathy?

Person pressing a foot with their hands
Neuropathy pain is damage to the nerves that’s described as burning sensations, where as peripheral neuropathy is pain that feels like stabbing often in the hands and feet.

Can Diabetic Neuropathy Be Reversed?

Can diabetic neuropathy be reversed?
Diabetic Neuropathy can’t be reversed because the body can’t naturally repair nerve tissue that has been damaged even with it becing one of the most common conditions of diabetes.

Does Exercise Help Peripheral Neuropathy?

Does exercise help peripheral neuropathy?
The benefits of exercise for peripheral neuropathy can help preserve nerve function and promote nerve regeneration according to experts.

Vitamins For Neuropathy

Vitamins for neuropathy
B vitamins such as B1, B6 and B12 are known to help with neuropathy symptoms and thiamine is known to help reduce pain and inflammation.

Does Peripheral Neuropathy Come And Go?

Doctor looking at a patient and writing prescription.
Hard to diagnose & seldom reversible, the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy vary depending on the kind of nerve damage sustained. Read our blog to know more.

Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms, Risk Factors And Treatment Options

Peripheral neuropathy symptoms
Diabetes can lead to a range of conditions such as peripheral neuropathy — Left unchecked, it can negatively impact a person’s mobility & lifestyle. Read to know more.

Can Acupuncture Help With Diabetes?

Acupuncture for diabetes
Acupuncture — an ancient Chinese medicine practice — has been used for hundreds of years to help treat certain painful health conditions. These days, many people swear by the healing power of acupuncture for everything from neck pain and headaches to knee and back pain.

Diabetic Coma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Diabetic coma
If you or a loved one are living with diabetes, you may be familiar with more severe complications such as the diabetic coma. Caused by extremely high or low blood glucose levels, education about the identifying symptoms as well as interventions that can be done to prevent the situation from becoming life-threatening are two essential safety measures that all people dealing with diabetes should be aware of.

Gestational Diabetes — Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gestational diabetes
Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that first appears during pregnancy, specifically due to changes to the body that occur during pregnancy. We have put together this guide to answer some of the most common questions associated with gestational diabetes and what you can do to better reduce your risk of developing it in the first place.

Non-Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy — Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A nurse and a woman walking together and smiling at each other
Non-diabetic peripheral neuropathy is a neurological condition that primarily impacts the function of our peripheral nerves. When these nerves are damaged, so is their ability to conduct electrical impulses. We have created this article as a helpful guide for anyone experiencing neuropathy symptoms but not living with diabetes.