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Viasox Blogs For People With Diabetes

Diabetic Feet Issues - Do You Have Them?

Socks for diabetic feet issues

Learn about the most common diabetic feet issues. Discover their symptoms, possible treatment, and proper care.


Do Compression Socks Help with Swelling?

Diabetes and swelling

Compression socks are often recommended for long-term management of conditions affecting circulation. Wearing them for extended periods, possibly years or even a lifetime, may be necessary to manage symptoms and...

Managing Diabetic Sores on Feet

Diabetic sores on feet

Diabetes, a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, presents various health challenges, one of which is the risk of developing sores on the feet. These sores, if not managed properly, can...

Guide to Good Compression Socks

Guide to Good Compression Socks

Good compression socks are more than a fashion statement or a simple accessory. They are vital for enhancing blood circulation, reducing leg fatigue, and providing support in various physical conditions...

Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Complications & Treatment

Learn more about diabetic foot ulcers. What causes them, and what are the possible treatment and prevention methods.

Drinks for Diabetics: Guide to Healthy Beverage Choices

Diabetic drinks

When selecting a beverage to satisfy your thirst, options with zero or low calories are generally the wisest choice. Enhancing your drink with a fresh lemon or lime juice splash...

Risk Factors For Type 2 Diabetes & How Can You Prevent It?

Type 2 diabetes
Even as the prevalence of type 2 diabetes continues to rise year after year, most people do not know the primary risk factors that can lead to the development of this lifelong disease. With this in mind, here is everything you need to know about the most common risk factors of type 2 diabetes.

Celebrating Diabetes Awareness Month with Viasox

Diabetes awareness month

November marks a significant month for the diabetes community — Diabetes Awareness Month. It's a time to share stories, raise awareness, and reinforce the importance of education in managing diabetes and...

Diabetic Foot - Complications & Management

Doctor and patient
Signs of diabetics foot problems may appear in skin discoloration, skin temperature and swelling or foot pain. Ignoring these signs may lead to serious complications.

Preventing Peripheral Neuropathy

Preventing Peripheral Neuropathy
If you or a loved one are living with diabetes, preventing peripheral neuropathy is likely a part of the treatment plan. As a common side effect of chronically elevated blood sugar levels, peripheral neuropathy, unfortunately, affects nearly 50% of all people living with diabetes. While it is common for people with diabetes to experience peripheral neuropathy, it is considered a preventable condition.

Gifts for Diabetics: Warmth, Style, and Care from Viasox

Socks gifts for diabetics

The festive season is upon us, with homes lighting up and cheerful carols filling every corner. At Viasox, we understand the joy of selecting the perfect gift and the warmth...

How to Reduce Swelling in Feet

How to reduce swelling in feet

If your feet and ankles are swelling up, you're not alone—it's a pretty common issue, and often, it happens even if you're not in any pain. There are all sorts...