Diabetes foot care

People with diabetes may encounter many different issues while trying to manage this condition. For example, high blood sugar levels can cause damage to the nervous system, resulting in neuropathy. The most common type of neuropathy in people with diabetes affects their arms and legs. 

In 70% of people with diabetes, neuropathy leads to the loss of feeling in your hands and feet. Unfortunately, this numbness makes you more prone to harmful infections, bunions, blisters, and even injuries. After all, if you can't feel that part of your body, how can you tell if something is wrong?

But, with a few simple rules, you can protect your feet in the long run. Some minor lifestyle changes can keep your feet healthy and strong for years.

Diabetes Foot Care - How To Do It

  1. Daily Foot Inspection: Neuropathy makes it hard to feel any changes on your feet. Therefore, you must conduct a regular inspection of at least 5 minutes. Start by feeling the quality of your skin. If the skin on your feet is too uneven and cracked, it might indicate dryness. Then, check for any color changes or sores. If you notice any significant difference, consult your doctor immediately. Some people look for pictures of diabetic feet and then compare them to their own. Although this method isn't entirely wrong, you must understand that each case of diabetes is different. Not all diabetic foot symptoms are the same or in the same phase. Diabetic feet pictures' beginning stages will differ from more advanced stages. So steer clear from comparing yourself with other cases. You can take a picture of your early diabetes feet and use it for comparison during your routine inspection. 
    Diabetic foot stages
  2. Stay Away From Water That Is Too Hot or Too Cold: Diabetic foot protection is essential, especially when considering the early signs of diabetic feet, which can include an apparent better tolerance to water that is too hot or too cold for most people. This perceived tolerance is often not true resilience but a lack of feeling in the feet or hands. This numbness does not protect the skin from damage. Therefore, if you have diabetic feet, it is important to avoid extreme water temperatures to prevent harm and protect your feet.
  3. Use Proper Footwear and Diabetic Socks: One of the best foot care advice for diabetics is careful shoe shopping. Remember to look for shoes with the right top and bottom coverage for your next shopping spree. Also, seams inside the shoe that damage your skin are a no-go. Likewise, consider getting comfortable diabetic socks. These specialized socks improve blood circulation, keep your feet warm, and lower the risk of injury for people with diabetic feet. 
  4. Don't Go Barefoot: Wearing proper shoes and diabetic socks are vital foot care tips for diabetic patients, which apply outdoors and indoors. It's essential to avoid going barefoot, even inside your house, as you can easily hurt your feet with small bruises and cuts. Due to decreased foot sensitivity, which is common in diabetes, you might not immediately notice these injuries. However, they can lead to severe infections if left unattended. Therefore, for effective diabetic foot care, always protect your feet with suitable footwear, even at home.
  5. Keep Your Feet Dry: As a part of your everyday hygiene routine, ensure your feet are completely dry. Wipe your feet with a dry towel after every shower, remembering the space between your toes. Over time, the skin can get too moist, which can cause an infection
  6. Don't Forget To Moisturize: Even though you must ensure your feet are dry, that doesn't mean you should not moisturize your skin. Applying a lotion specifically created for diabetics will improve the quality of the skin on your feet and prevent it from breaking. A proper diabetic foot treatment includes moisturizing on a daily level. Also, while moisturizing your feet, you perform a light massage that improves blood circulation. 
  7. Exercise Regularly: With cold weather comes some bad habits, like too much sitting around inside the house. Any person with diabetes needs to exercise regularly. Too much sitting and poor circulation can cause diabetic feet to swell. According to the American Diabetes Association, you should do at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity. Incorporating low-impact exercises and yoga into your routine can be particularly beneficial. These activities not only improve circulation, which is crucial for those with diabetic feet but also help maintain overall flexibility and reduce stress without putting excessive strain on the body.                                      
  8. Quit Bad Habits: Smoking is harmful to anyone's health, not only for people with diabetes. This bad habit adds to contracting your blood vessels and deprives your feet of oxygen-rich blood cells. These are necessary to fight off infections. So, no matter if you have diabetes or not, it's never a bad time to quit smoking. 
  9. Have Your Toenails Clipped By a Professional: Most people wonder, "What does diabetic foot pain feel like?" And even though there are those with numbness in their feet and hands, there are people who feel sharp pain. That's called diabetic nerve pain, and it can spread over your arms and legs. Over time, this type of diabetic foot symptom can cause depression in people and decrease their life quality. People with these symptoms usually forget to look after themselves. Proper hygiene and regular monitoring of your feet are crucial in keeping them healthy. Another important step towards that goal is proper nail clipping. People with diabetes are prone to infection. Open wounds on your feet are the perfect ground for transferring bacteria. Always disinfect your nail clipper before using it, or turn to a professional who can clip your toenails. 
  10. Eat Healthy: Be mindful of what you eat. Consult a doctor and ask for a diet best suited for your condition. A good diet means a better life in different ways. You will never feel bloated or gain too much weight, which means less pressure on your feet. A proper diet can improve blood circulation, essential for diabetic foot treatment. 

We Are Here To Help

Foot care for diabetic patients starts with the right choices, and diabetic socks are a crucial step in that direction. Treat your feet with the care they deserve by choosing high-quality Viasox specifically designed for diabetic feet. Explore our diverse product selection to find the perfect match for your needs. Should you have any inquiries or need guidance on foot care for diabetic patients, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We're here to assist and provide the support you need!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us here, and we'll be glad to respond and help out in any way we can!


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