A person sitting on a brown sofa with legs crossed and wearing a multi-color diabetic socks

Those who’re managing diabetes know that two common complications of the diseases are leg and foot problems. The risk of corns, blisters, bunions, and ulcers, are just some of the things that a person with diabetes has to deal with. Another serious issue comes with cold weather, and that’s keeping the feet warm.

Diabetes causes nerve damage that results in diabetic feet. Due to this nerve damage, you might not feel when your feet are getting too cold. That’s why diabetic cold feet should be treated with proper care, especially during wintertime. 

You can do several things to prevent your feet from getting too cold if you are managing diabetes.

1. Regularly Check the Temperature of Your Feet

People tend to change their habits whenever colder days come along. They stop exercising as much and start eating more unhealthy food over the holidays. This sedentary lifestyle doesn’t agree with any diabetic foot. And the first step towards proper care of your feet during the cold days is regular check-ups. A detailed examination of your feet, pressure areas and between your toes is the only way to know their condition. 

Look for any changes in the color of your skin, breaks, or changes in the smell. Also, you might pay attention to any painful calluses and corns. While doing so, you’ll be touching your feet and feeling their temperature. And this can be the first indicator if your feet need some additional warming. 

Can Diabetics Use Foot Warmers?

If you do find your feet colder than usual, be mindful when you think about how to warm them up. In the same way that you didn’t feel when they were too cold, you might not feel when they are too hot. 

Foot warmers for diabetics might seem like the easiest and fastest way to warm up your feet. But it can result in severe burns if you aren’t too careful. 

Additional Tip: Getting a thermometer can mean a lot. You’ll always have a clear insight into the room temperature of your house. Find the one that is ideal for both you and your feet, and keep it that way.

2. Wear Proper Shoes

Winter conditions differ from one country to the next. That includes snow and rain in some areas, whereas it’s simply low temperature in other places. You must understand that you won’t feel if your feet start freezing in these conditions. Proper footwear decreases the risk of foot ulcers and frostbite. Therefore, proper footwear is a must for people with diabetic feet. 

Decreased circulation in your feet, combined with the winter cold, increases the risk of foot ulcers. That can easily be prevented with the right winter shoes with optimal padding.

Moreover, people with neuropathy usually can’t feel their extremities. If not careful, they can quickly get frostbite because they won’t feel the cold. 

3. Put on a Pair of Diabetic Socks

Wearing any kind of sock can keep your feet warm, but this isn’t good enough if you have diabetes. If you want to learn how to keep diabetic feet warm, you need to start with the right socks. Diabetic socks are specially designed to tend to the different needs of a diabetic foot. 

Warm socks for diabetics:

  • Keep the feet dry. 
  • Enhance blood circulation.
  • Decrease the risk of an injury. 

High blood sugar levels can cause damage to both your circulatory and nervous systems. That can result in the feeling of numbness in your feet. Diabetic socks are the number one instrument for foot care in the case of neuropathy. 

4. Moisturizing Is Important

Moisturizing your feet is essential even if you don’t have diabetes. But for people who do, it can be beneficial in multiple ways. 

Firstly, your moisturizing glands might not function well enough. Mostly because of poor circulation and diabetes nerve damage. That can lead to dryness and cause your skin to break. With regular moisturizing, you can prevent this from happening.

Secondly, when applying a moisturizer, you’re performing a soothing massage. The longer you do it, the better. Regular massage of your feet can keep them warm and improve circulation. 

And thirdly, your feet will smell amazing. You might not care about it very much, but it’s a fact.

5. Don’t Forget About Physical Activity

With winter days comes laziness and the desire never to go out in the cold. To some extent, that can be beneficial for your feet since it can prevent them from freezing. However, you do need physical activity to improve your circulation.

It’s time to be creative and think of different ways to keep yourself moving. You can begin an indoor workout routine or start visiting a gym. There are a plethora of other physical activities for winter days; you only need to pick one. According to the American Diabetes Association, your physical activity should be at least 30 minutes per day. 

Of course, always consult with your doctor before starting with any type of exercise. 

Viasox Are Here For You

If you’re struggling to find the right pair of diabetic socks for you, we’ve got you covered. High-quality warm socks for diabetics that care both about your looks and your comfort. Who says that diabetic socks can’t be practical and fashionable?

Tired of dull colors and the same old-patterns? With a wide variety of different models, you can match our socks with any outfit. And these fancy socks will also keep your feet warm and protected. 

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at any time, and we’ll be more than happy to help!