What are diabetic socks?

Why do you need diabetic socks? People with diabetes are known to have foot issues due to diabetic neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease. Neuropathy leads to a loss of sensation in the legs and feet because of nerve damage. On the other hand, peripheral vascular disease is a circulation disorder that causes the blood vessels to spasm. Plus, diabetes can also lead to nerve damage, which can impact one's sense of temperature. Consequently, you should consider purchasing diabetic socks, which have special features and proven benefits, which we'll go in-depth about in this article: 

  • Learn about why you should consider purchasing diabetic socks
  • Mentioning the benefits of diabetic socks
  • Advising you on how to find a suitable pair

Benefits of Diabetic Socks

Now that you understand why diabetic socks are essential, let's look at some of the additional benefits you'll enjoy from wearing them:

  • They prevent toe irritation, often caused by tightness and seams in regular socks.
  • They promote healthy blood flow, which is necessary because diabetes often causes poor blood circulation, leading to other serious issues, such as peripheral artery disease.
  • They relieve feet of excessive pressure from swelling caused by water retention, also known as edema.
  • They ensure that your skin breathes and prevents any foot sweat caused by diabetes thanks to natural materials that promote airflow and healthier blood circulation.
  • They stabilize the foot, which is necessary because diabetics' feet are always under pressure, leading to diabetic foot ulceration.

What You Should Know When Choosing Diabetic Socks

With so many types of diabetic socks on the market, it's good to know how to distinguish high-quality brands from cheaper, lower-quality examples. Low-quality diabetic socks can cause more damage than good, so we'll show you how to choose the perfect pair.

  1. Diabetic Socks Should be Seamless: Seams can put additional pressure on the foot, which promotes swelling and pain. They also rub against an individual's skin, further irritating it and leading to ulcer and blister formation. Diabetics' skin is already sensitive enough, and firm stitching can cause significant damage. Seamless diabetic socks won't create this problem for you. 
  2. They Should Have Extra Padding and Cushioning: Diabetics' feet are already under so much pressure because of frequent swellings that they must wear socks that stabilize their feet to relieve the pressure. Extra cushioning and padding stabilize the foot and maximize comfort, so you should look for socks with a padded bottom, padding around the toe area, and under the heel. It's important because these areas on your feet are the most sensitive and prone to damage because of neuropathy, which causes tingling and loss of sensation.
  3. Diabetic Socks Should Keep Your Feet Warm: Narrow blood vessels lead to a non-desirable and lower blood flow to the foot, which results in decreased circulation due to neuropathy, making your feet feel colder, which can lead to unnoticed cold sores. Untreated sores are dangerous because they get easily infected. Ensure that your diabetic socks are made from materials, such as bamboo yarn, that are soft and warm up the feet without them sweating too much. 
  4. Diabetic Socks Should Be Moisture-Wicking and Antimicrobial: Avoid synthetic materials such as nylon because they prevent the foot from breathing, resulting in sweat, moisture, and infections. Look for socks with special technology to keep your feet dry and comfortable. That's especially important because people with diabetes tend to form sores more frequently than regular people. If the socks hold too much moisture, these sores can get infected, leading to amputation. Moreover, these materials will help with any potential foot odor. Because diabetics' feet often have more sweat and moisture, making them susceptible to bacteria and fungi. To prevent complications, choose diabetic socks with antimicrobial features.
  5. Diabetic Socks Should Be Stretchy: Unlike compression socks, high-quality diabetic socks should be stretchier and almost entirely non-constricting. That promotes healthier blood flow, which is necessary because people with diabetes suffer from neuropathy. Neuropathy can lead to untreated sores that get infected. Ensure they're loose and stretchy enough that you don't feel any added pressure and swelling when you wear them. 
Viasox diabetic socks

Are Diabetic Socks the Same as Compression Socks?

While they're often confused, diabetic socks and compression socks are different. 

Compression socks use more rigid materials and stronger elastics, which is not always suitable for overweight individuals or individuals with diabetes. In general, compression socks are mostly used for swelling and pain relief.

Moreover, compression socks promote healthier blood flow to the heart, reducing swelling and preventing clots and deep vein thrombosis. Doctors recommend compression socks for minimizing the damage from prolonged sitting, for example, when you go on longer flights.

Can Non-Diabetics Wear Diabetic Socks?

Non-diabetics can wear diabetic socks to make their feet more comfortable and stable. Some medical resources claim it has many benefits for regular users, such as more effortless healing, improved foot odor, and helping prevent numbness. 

So if you'd like to try it, go ahead! 

We offer some cool and unique designs - your diabetic socks will never look dull again!

What do Diabetic Socks Do?

Diabetic socks are a great way to relieve your feet from pain and discomfort. There are many benefits to using them, such as:

  • Preventing feet odor
  • Promoting a healthier blood flow
  • Preventing toe irritation
  • Relieving foot of excessive pressure

That's why purchasing a pair's a good idea if you're overweight, suffer from diabetes or any other related condition or want to keep your feet comfortable and protected. At Viasox, we sell some of the best diabetic socks and offer unique and bold styles.