Charcot foot disease

Charcot Foot represents a debilitating and progressive affliction characterized by the systematic weakening of the bones, joints, and soft tissues in the foot or ankle. This condition emerges as a serious complication of diabetes, predominantly triggered by peripheral neuropathy or nerve damage, leading to a loss of sensation in the foot or ankle.

This condition originates from consistent, repetitive injuries, often microtrauma, which may go unnoticed or only mildly perceived by the individual. As the condition advances, the bones may become susceptible to fractures due to their weakened state, leading to potential dislocations in the foot or ankle joints. If continual trauma and degeneration persist, the ultimate collapse of the foot joints may ensue, giving the foot a distinct, abnormal, rocker-bottom appearance.

Such deformations can prompt the development of sores and ulcers in the foot, escalating to bone infections or osteomyelitis. Without swift and intensive treatment, the situation might necessitate amputation.

The prevalence of Charcot Foot is generally considered rare; however, it's speculated that its true occurrence might be higher than documented due to misdiagnoses or delays in identification. Moreover, with the surge in diabetes cases globally, the incidence of Charcot Foot is likely paralleling this trend.

Given the severe repercussions of Charcot Foot, individuals with diabetes are advised to embrace preventive strategies and pursue immediate medical attention should any symptoms manifest. Ideally, seeking intervention from a comprehensive multidisciplinary program specializing in vascular surgery and podiatric care is recommended. Early detection and prompt intervention are paramount in mitigating the swift advancement of this condition towards irreversible foot deformities and their associated complications.

Charcot Foot requires careful monitoring and proactive management in individuals with diabetes to prevent severe foot complications. Regular monitoring, immediate attention to symptoms, and specialized medical care are crucial in effectively managing this progressively debilitating condition.

Charcot foot is uncommon, impacting fewer than 1% of all individuals diagnosed with diabetes. Healthcare providers might refer to Charcot Foot using alternative names such as:

Symptoms of Charcot Foot

Initial Signs of Charcot foot Include:

  • Pain in the foot.
  • Alteration in color or presence of redness.
  • Swelling.
  • A sensation of heat or elevated warmth, particularly if one foot feels discernibly warmer compared to the other.

It's crucial to consult a healthcare professional promptly upon observing any alterations in your feet. Early diagnosis of Charcot foot can significantly reduce the risk of encountering serious complications.

When Charcot foot reaches a more advanced stage, it can lead to changes in the structure of your foot (referred to as Charcot foot deformity), involving:

  • Rocker-Bottom Foot: This occurs when the central bones of your foot deteriorate and give way, causing the foot's arch to collapse. Instead of maintaining its normal upward curve, the foot appears rounded, potentially presenting a protrusion in the middle where the arch once was.
  • Changes in Toe Shape: The toes might exhibit curling or clenching. When the bones and tissues in your foot compromise or fracture, your toes may adapt by forming a claw-like shape to maintain stability.
  • Changes in Ankle Structure: The ankle may exhibit an inclination or deviation to one side, appearing noticeably more irregular and less sturdy compared to the opposite ankle.
  • Foot Ulcers: Transformations in the shape of the foot or ankle due to Charcot foot can cause undue pressure on certain areas, leading to open ulcers or sores, thereby elevating the risk of infections.

Recognizing and addressing these alterations promptly is crucial to mitigate further complications and manage the condition effectively.

Charcot foot causes

Charcot foot may arise when an individual experiences a sprain or fracture in the foot or ankle. Often, due to the numbness induced by peripheral neuropathy, such injuries might go unnoticed and unaddressed. The persistence in walking on the injured foot exacerbates the trauma to the bone. Subsequently, the bone starts to demineralize, losing calcium and other essential components as a natural response to trauma.

In time, the demineralization induces alterations in the foot's structure, resulting in some areas of the foot collapsing. A consequential formation of a so-called rocker-bottom foot deformity may occur when the midfoot is affected, rounding the bottom of the foot. The specifics of the deformities, like curved toes resembling claws or deformed and unstable ankles, depend on the fracture location. The protruding sharp bone edges can exert pressure on the skin, elevating the risk of persistent skin ulcers. The culmination of bone degeneration and continued trauma manifests as Charcot foot.

Charcot arthropathy, a form of joint disease, can impact any segment of the foot and ankle, such as the midfoot, hindfoot, ankle, heel, and forefoot, with the possibility of multiple regions being affected simultaneously. Fractures and dislocations typically encompass several bones and joints, resulting in widespread fragmentation and deformity.

Charcot foot

Risk Factors for Charcot Foot

Charcot foot predominantly occurs in individuals with diabetes. Those who have been living with diabetes for over seven years and indulge in smoking and habitual alcohol consumption are at a heightened risk of developing neuropathy, a precursor to Charcot foot.

Additionally, the likelihood of developing neuropathy, and subsequently Charcot foot, is higher in individuals with diabetes who also have other health-related conditions such as:

Being mindful of these risk factors is crucial for early detection and management of this condition.

Complications of Charcot Foot

Charcot foot is inherently a complication arising from neuropathy related to diabetes. If significant damage occurs to the foot or if a serious infection develops, it can lead to several severe complications, including:

  • Permanent alteration in the physical structure of the foot may occur, complicating the fitting of standard footwear.
  • In severe cases, where physical deformities are extreme or when ulcers or wounds on the foot or ankle become infected, amputation of the affected foot may be needed.
  • Charcot foot can have fatal consequences if an ensuing infection extends to other parts of the body or if other life-threatening complications associated with diabetes occur.

Acknowledging these complications is vital for effectively managing the risks and consequences associated with Charcot foot.


Identifying Charcot foot at an early stage is crucial to halt the deterioration of the foot structure. A comprehensive medical history is gathered, and the foot and ankle are inspected for signs of Charcot foot. X-rays, imaging studies, and laboratory tests may also be conducted to confirm the diagnosis.

Non-Surgical Intervention

The non-surgical approach to treating Charcot foot includes:

  • Immobilization: The foot and ankle are exceptionally vulnerable in the initial phase of Charcot; hence, safeguarding them is imperative for the restoration of weakened bones. Maintaining total non-weight bearing is crucial to prevent further collapse of the foot. The individual is advised not to walk on the affected foot until the physician deems it safe. During this healing phase, the patient might use a cast, removable boot, or brace and may need crutches or a wheelchair. Bone healing may span several months, with some cases requiring more prolonged durations.
  • Customized Footwear, Diabetic Socks and Bracing: After healing the bones, utilizing shoes with specialized inserts and wearing diabetic socks are crucial to assist individuals in resuming daily activities. Diabetic socks are designed to reduce the risk of foot injuries and keep feet dry, thus offering additional protection. These measures are also pivotal in preventing the recurrence of Charcot foot, the development of ulcers, and potential amputation. In instances of pronounced deformities, bracing may be essential as well.
  • Modification of Activities: Altering activity levels may be essential to circumvent recurrent trauma to both feet. An individual who has developed Charcot foot is at a higher risk of developing it in the other. Thus, protective measures for both feet are mandatory.

Timely implementation of these interventions is vital to manage the condition effectively and prevent further complications.

Surgical Intervention

When casting and customized footwear alone fail to achieve the intended objectives of Charcot treatment, surgical intervention might be deemed necessary.

Surgery might be needed when deformities hinder normal ambulation or pose a high risk for ulcer formation. Unstable fractures and dislocations also necessitate surgical intervention for proper healing. Various surgical options address the diverse challenges presented by Charcot, often implemented in tandem to cater to the specific needs of a patient:

  • Ulcer Debridement: Ulcers may necessitate surgical intervention for healing. Debridement entails the cleansing of the ulcer and the removal of necrotic skin that is unlikely to recover. Post-debridement casting may be utilized to alleviate pressure from the ulcer during the healing process.
  • Calf Muscle or Achilles Tendon Lengthening: This procedure does not directly result from injury but addresses tightness in the calf muscle or Achilles tendon, which can cause pressure points on the sole, leading to ulcers.
  • Exostectomy: This is the removal of bony prominences to prevent them from causing ulcers due to the pressure exerted on the skin. This is especially critical for prominences on the bottom and inside parts of the foot.
  • Charcot Deformity Correction: In cases where fractures and dislocations are unstable, or the bones are significantly misaligned, hardware like plates, screws, or rods may be essential for correction and proper bone healing. Given the compromised bone quality in diabetics, these surgeries usually require additional hardware compared to non-diabetics. Bone grafts may also be utilized to aid bone healing.
  • Arthrodesis (Joint Fusion): This surgical procedure involves fusing dislocated bones into a single solid bone structure. It is a fundamental approach in Charcot treatment for rectifying deformity and enhancing stability.
  • Open Reduction and Internal Fixation: A simple repair of the broken bones may suffice for acute fractures without major joint dislocations.
  • Insertion of Support Rod: In cases of significant deformities, especially of the heel or ankle, the insertion of a large rod in the ankle may be necessary for maintaining stability.
  • Amputation: In advanced cases of Charcot arthropathy, characterized by severe deformity, profound bone infection, or loss of blood supply to the foot, retaining parts or the entirety of the foot may be unfeasible. Under such circumstances, amputation above the affected area, followed by fitting a prosthetic device, is recommended to preserve the patient's mobility.

Such extensive and diverse surgical treatments emphasize the importance of early intervention and stringent management to mitigate the progression and complications of Charcot foot.

Preventative Measures

Patients can actively partake in avoiding the development and complications of Charcot foot by adhering to the following preventative steps:

  • Maintaining balanced blood glucose levels can aid in minimizing the advancement of neuropathy in the feet.
  • Regular foot and ankle specialist consultations are essential for ongoing foot health.
  • Consistently wearing well-fitting shoes and comfortable socks or slippers throughout the day is crucial. Ensure that socks are not overly tight and that shoes are comfortable and well-fitted.
  • Regularly trimming and filing toenails is important. They should be cut straight across to avoid the development of ingrown toenails.
  • Conducting daily inspections of both feet is essential. If any signs of Charcot foot are observed, immediate consultation with a specialist is necessary.
  • Exercising caution to avoid injuries like foot bumps or excessive strain from rigorous exercise programs is important.
  • Strict adherence to the long-term treatment plans provided by the specialist will aid in avoiding recurrence, ulcer development, and possible amputations.

Incorporating these preventative measures can significantly reduce the risk of Charcot foot and its associated complications.


Prevention stands out as the most effective treatment for complications related to diabetic feet. The foundation of prevention involves:

  • Rigorous management of blood sugar levels.
  • Performing daily foot examinations to detect the early development of wounds and ulcers.
  • Utilizing robust, supportive, and full-coverage footwear to thwart wounds and injuries.

It's imperative to consult your physician promptly if you observe any alterations in your foot, like swelling, redness, warmth, or wounds. Early diagnosis and intervention in cases of Charcot arthropathy optimize the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Once Charcot foot is identified, the focal points of treatment involve facilitating the healing of bones in a stable alignment to reduce the likelihood of ulcer formation. While non-surgical measures can sometimes suffice, surgery is often indispensable to rectify substantial deformities and prevent ulcers. Undertaking every possible measure to avert ulcers is crucial, given that they elevate the amputation risk for patients with Charcot by 40%.

For achieving optimal results from treatment:

  • Adherence to the medical guidance concerning weight-bearing on the affected foot is critical.
  • Patients should pledge to lifelong daily foot inspections and meticulous blood glucose management.

Both practices are pivotal in the early detection of Charcot foot and in mitigating long-term adverse effects.

Let Us Support Your Journey

Managing and preventing complications of Charcot foot effectively is pivotal for maintaining your foot health, especially if you have diabetes. Incorporating specialized socks designed for individuals with diabetes is a proactive step towards safeguarding your feet. These socks can enhance blood circulation, provide protection against potential scarring, and ward off infections.

Viasox brings forth a variety of diabetic socks tailored to meet your specific needs, fostering an added layer of protection for your feet. They are designed to provide warmth and maintain optimal foot health, ensuring you experience comfort and security in your daily activities.

For more information, inquiries, or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us at your convenience! We eagerly await the opportunity to assist you and discuss how Viasox can contribute to your foot health journey.

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